1 In Lifestyle

Tell me one happy story (Post #2)



Just today, I decided to call my friend Anthony (Right) and we grabbed coffee. We sat down and just started talking about life. This moment was so different yet brought a great amount of happiness. Our usual meet ups are at a bar or at a party so this was very different and meaningful.
– Micheal

My brother was really ill. He didn’t know who anyone was and during that time I needed to go away for school which was extremely difficult . Once I came back, I went to see my brother and that moment was a moment I cannot put into perfect words till this day. He recognized me and at that moment I knew I got my brother back. I was so happy, it was a beautiful moment.
– Amanda P

A happy moment that happened to me recently was coming to Canada. The whole process was overwhelming. I’m from Brazil and when I reached the airport here I was so close to being sent back but after so many inquiries, they allowed me to leave the airport. After all the mess, being with my family and friends in Canada meant the world to me.
– Maria


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    October 13, 2017 at 3:49 pm

    Loving this new idea of retelling stories of others on your blog! ??

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