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Tell me a Happy Story! (#4)


Name: Will

“I am a filmmaker, and I am working on the largest moment of my career right now. Its a feature film. I am working on it with a friend, who is a big director. He made a film that won about 30 different awards. So, I’m getting a lot of recognition because his next project is with me. I just came back from Ghana yesterday, half the film is set in Ghana. It was such an incredible experience because we were looking for some people there to be on the film. I am really happy about the direction of this project, and I’m very excited for the future!”

Name: Adam

“I was born in Canada but moved to Lebanon. I wanted to see how Montreal was, so I came down two weeks ago. I love it here, I decided to stay and start school! It was spontaneous, I am happy!”


Name: Sarah

“Last August, I went on a trip to Switzerland by myself. It was something I’ve been wanting to do for the longest time, I was so happy to finally experience it!”

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