1 In Lifestyle

Your happiness matters too.



The most important thing is to enjoy your life. To be happy. It’s all that matters.

                                                                                                             –  Andrey Hepburn


          Hello to my beautiful humans!! Happy Friday!! Can anyone recall a moment in their life where you’ve sacrificed your happiness for someone else’s? I definitely can! I was once in a relationship for about a year and a half, and sooner or later I figured that I was not happy. I was dedicated to keeping my partner happy all the time that I completely forgot about my own happiness. I felt as if it had been forever since I put a smile on my face. To be honest, I was enjoying the first phase of our “lovey dovey” relationship, but everything has its own limits. My ex began facing problems in his life, and I really wanted him to stay stress-free. Obviously, you know what this led to… I tried to bring some light into his life. Like I mentioned, I slowly stopped thinking and taking care of myself. Unfortunately, it took me quite a while to grasp the fact that I wasn’t happy since I was more focused on someone else’s happiness! On the other note, my grades were suffering, and my life started to turn upside down. As selfish as it may sound, I decided to withdraw myself from the relationship. It didn’t seem fair for me not to be happy just because I was trying to make someone else happy. It may have been a hard choice at that time but I am way happier now and I am sure he’s doing well himself.

          That was the moment in my life that I learned that no one should ever sacrifice their happiness for anyone else’s. This is your life and you have the rights to be happy. My past relationship is just one of many examples, but there are plenty of ways where people sacrifice their happiness. For instance, as in quitting the job you have a passion for to be with your family or choosing a different career path to fulfil your parents’ wishes. I mean yes, you may do it because you care for the person, but why sacrifice your happiness for that. There are definitely other ways to prove that you care for a person. You should pursue your own dreams and keep smiling all the time.

          Everyone has the rights to live that dream life. It doesn’t sound right for anyone to wake up every morning to a life that they don’t want to take part of. Its okay to sacrifice little things to make your loved ones happy, but don’t ever sacrifice bigger things in life to a point where your decisions are blocking your happiness from reaching you. The advice from me to you is to always let go of anything that is holding you back from cheerfulness. Follow your heart and live the happy life you want. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this post!! Have an amazing weekend everyone and don’t forget to smile!!

Forever spreading happiness, Kopika.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    August 12, 2016 at 6:04 pm

    You go !!

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